Postdoctoral Scholar Open Pool - Human Performance Alliance Innovation Hub in Eugene, OR
If you are seeking an opportunity to perform highly interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research and for career development through 1:1 mentorship, consider applying to the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance (HPA) at the UO Knight Campus open postdoctoral scholar pool.
Research Assistant/Associate/Engineer – Open Pool – Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon in Eugene, OR
The Human Performance Alliance at the Knight Campus at the University of Oregon is seeking qualified applicants who are self-motivated and have excellent organizational, research, and communication skills to participate in a variety of new and ongoing research activities.
History Pro-Tem Instructor - Open Pool in Eugene, OR
The Department of History at the University of Oregon is seeking qualified applicants for its open ProTem Instructor pool. Positions are limited duration appointments potentially renewable for up to a total of three years.
Pro Tem Research Assistant/Associate/Postdoc (CAS Psychology) - Open Pool in Eugene, OR
The Department of Psychology seeks qualified applicants for potential research assistant, research associate, and postdoctoral scholar positions.
Pro Tem Instructor (OIMB) - Open Pool in Charleston, OR
The University of Oregon's Institute of Marine Biology invites applicants for potential temporary instructional positions.
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